The games we play
The Games We Play
Mark Stewart
Copyright: The Games We Play2010: Mark Stewart. All rights reserved.
No part of this story may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the author. This story is fictitious and a product of the author’s imagination. Resemblance to any actual person living or dead is purely coincidental.
Edited by: Rosemary Cantala
Other novels Mark Stewart has written
The Kendal chronicles
Fire games
Heart of a spider.
I know your secret.
Copycat murders
Kiss on the bridge
Kiss on the bridge two
Kiss on the bridge three
The perfect gift
Blood red rose (Vampire romance adventure)
Blood red rose two
Blood red rose three
Legendary Blue Diamond
Legendary blue diamond two
Legendary blue diamond three
Don’t Tell My Secret (series)
201 May Street
Emerald Hill
The mail run
Boy’s club
Planet X91 the beginning
Planet X91 the new home.
Planet X91 the underwater cave.
Planet X91 the storm.
Planet X91 the drought
Planet X91 the fire
Planet X91 the plague
Planet X91 the doorway to time
The Games We Play
Mark Stewart
I, Private William Jones am writing to you, General Hammond, a formal letter of complaint. Two days ago I officially requested an immediate retrieval of every soldier including myself, in the 103rd battalion. I must stress I haven’t heard from or seen them in the past two days and a night.
I feel I have been victimized, abandoned with no food, water, or ammunition and a rifle which has failed to operate.
I have endured stifling heat, an extremely cold night and monsoon rains. My single refuge from the elements and the so-called enemy, which I have yet to see, has been this rather large bush. My only hope is it will continue to keep me dry until help arrives.
I strongly protest against my recent posting. I want to bring to your attention my charges against Sergeant Smith also of the 103rd battalion for cruelty and misconduct in the first degree.
The games we play are only practice for the real thing. No one should be treated in such a manner.
I must quickly finish this letter. I am concerned at hearing rather loud noises approaching from the west, but still down wind from my location. Hopefully, it will be a rescue party; not the enemy
“Private Jones. At last, I have found you. I’ve been searching everywhere for you. I had almost given up hope of ever finding you again. You’re my favorite soldier. I know you look a mess now, but don’t you worry. Step into this container where the rest of the 103rd battalion is resting. Don’t worry about your uniform, my mum will fix you up,” cried the four-year-old boy. “She’s good at fixing plastic soldiers.”
Dear reader,
Thank you for reading my extra short story ‘the games we play.” I do hope you enjoyed it. Any feedback is gratefully accepted. The information you, the reader give, helps me to become a more professional author.
My novels are based on the Australian culture. Some of the spelling is Australian. Thanks for your understanding.
Mark Stewart
Other novels I have written in the way of romance are:
Kiss on the bridge.
Kiss on the bridge two
Kiss on the bridge three
The perfect gift:
Legendary blue diamond.
Legendary blue diamond two
Legendary blue diamond three
Don’t tell my secret.
201 May Street
Mail run
The boys club
The Blood Red Rose:
Blood Red Rose Two:
Blood Red Rose three:
Crime novels: The Kendal Chronicles.
Fire Games:
Heart of a spider:
I know your secret.
Copycat Murders
Children: A Troglian knows.
Luke’s cubby house:
Malcolm’s cubby house.
Below is the opening page of my novels in order that I have listed them: